Wednesday 12 May 2021

Book Reading

Ready, Steady, Books: Why It’s Important For Your Kids To Read

18 January 2021

From improving their memory to helping them grasp better, a little reading every day can go a long way. And with so much intrusion of technology in our everyday lives, it’s doubly important to preserve this beautiful habit of reading. It not only helps children push the boundaries of their imagination, it also makes them worldly wise. Here’s why we lay emphasis on the importance of reading books.

Builds Cognitive Skills

A simple Google search will tell you exactly what cognitive skills are- they’re the most basic skills your brain needs to “think, read, learn, remember, reason, and pay attention”. So how does reading play an important role here? By helping your child in acquiring each of these skills. When a child reads, emphasis is laid on building each of these skills which only get enhanced with time. Reading makes your child want to dream, imagine and think out of the box, in addition to also moulding their brain into having a more problem-solving attitude in life.

Builds Concentration

If your child is a reader, they will naturally be better at concentrating. The reason most parents and teachers emphasise on the importance of reading books is because they help children focus. Once you start reading an interesting tale, you will give all your attention to it because you constantly want to know more and know what happens next. This attitude then stays true to whatever you read- a novel or your study material. Your focus is sharp and straight. Needless to say, their attention span is also better than most.

Builds Communication & Speaking Skills

Books introduce you to stories. And once you learn to imagine and dream, there’s no stopping you. Similarly, books introduce you to an array of new words you may ordinarily never come across. You learn to navigate through the dictionary to want to understand the meaning of everything you’re reading. In short, books build your vocabulary and a strong vocabulary can do a lot for your child and their confidence. It definitely makes them better orators and opens doors to a whole bunch of opportunities such as taking part in debates, elocution competitions and more (by the way, at Podar International School we help our kids explore a bunch of holistic hobbies such as these).

Teaches Important Life Lessons

Reading makes you learn a lot of essential life lesions in an age-appropriate manner. Stories can make things a whole lot more relatable for children. Right from learning to deal with loneliness, to inculcating habits such as sharing, books can do a lot and play a huge role in moulding a child’s personality. Similarly, in an age-appropriate way, books can make uncomfortable situations easy to understand for children.

Reduce Stress

Books are known to be brilliant stress busters. Children who read always resort to books as their first way to relieve stress or divert attention. Stories absorb you in a world of their own and instantly help you disconnect from your reality and surroundings. This is especially important for growing children who are already under pressure owing to their studies. Books also mean lesser screen time, which means your mind is actually allowed to be free and children can actually think. This helps rewind and rejuvenate much better and recover from the day’s stress much faster.

There’s a reason why reading for kids is of such importance. It helps them become better, stronger individuals. At Podar International School we have a state of the art library that will make your child fall in love with the world of books.

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