Monday 5 July 2021

Student's Poem

I can't  think anymore 
My thought are getting poor
My eyes are burning 
My thoughts are turning 
My cry for help is never working
I pray to God but  that never helps 
People always tell me to help yourself
Show along where my home
So torn apart where's my heart 
I lost my hope I can turn back 
I can't believe I was fooled by all
I feel so small I don't  get it  all
Everything I do will never impress you
I tried  to keep going I try to move on
I am always away at the crack of dawn
Not much sleep a lot of pain
I hate my life
I want a knife 
To end my life
My feelings are weak
My impulse are strong

I try to think of my action right or wrong That's the end of my song.

                     Sujay Amit 
                     Class =7th  

तो बाप असतो
चांगल्या शाळेमध्ये
पोरांना टाकायची धडपड करतो  donation  साठी उधार आणतो,
वेळ पडली तर हातपाय पडतो
.................. ता बाप असतो
कॉलेज मध्ये सोबत जातो,हॉस्टेल शोधतो
स्वत:फाटक बनियन घालुन 
तुम्हाला jeans ची pant घेऊन देतो
................ तो बाप असतो
स्वतःटपरा mobile वापरून ,तूम्हाला सत्यलिश मोबाईल घेऊन देतो 
तुमच्या प्रीपेड चे पैसे  स्वतःभरतो
तुमच्या आवाज ऐकण्यासाठी तरसतो।

          सुजय अमित गोडबान

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