Sunday 30 August 2020

Daily GK Question september 2020

Podar International School, Hingoli 

GK Question for class 4th to 10th

Date: 1Sept. to 6th sept. 2020

1.Who is the author of the book 'A Midsummer Night's Dream'?
Ans: William Shakespeare.

2. Who was the last ruler of Mughal dynasty? Ans: Bahadur Shah Zafar.

3. Green Revolution was started in the year?
Ans: 1966

4. Reserve Bank of India was nationalized in the year?
Ans: 1949

5.Guwahati is situated on the bank of the river? Ans: Brahmaputra.

6. Who is known as 'Man of Blood and Iron'?
Ans: Otto Von Bismark.

7. Whom did Lord Clive defeated in the Battle of Plassey in the year 1757? Ans: Siraj-ud-Daulah.

8. Capital of Finland is? Ans: Helsinki.

9. The boundary 'Durand Line' is between Pakistan and?
Ans: Afghanisthan.

10. Headquarter of SAARC is in? Ans: Kathmandu, Nepal.

Gandhiji's visit to different states

Q. When did Gandhiji visit Kerala for the first time?
Answer: 1920

Q. In which year Mahatma Gandhi visited TamilNadu(Madras) for the first time ?

Q. When did Gandhi visit Karnataka for the first time?
Answer: 1915

1. When did Gandhiji born?
Answer: in 1869 October 2

2. When did Gandhiji went to South Africa to practice law?
Answer: in 1893

3. Where did Gandhiji's first Satyagraha experimented?
Answer: South Africa in 1906, September to protest against the Asiatic Ordinance issued against the Indians in Transval

4. When was Gandhiji's first imprisonment?
Answer: 1908 at Johannesberg in South Africa

5. In which railway station where Gandhiji was humiliated and ousted ?
Answer: Peter Marits Burg Railway Station in SouthAfrica

6. When did Gandhiji started Tolstoy Farm (SouthAfrica)?
Answer: in 1910

7. Where did Gandhiji started the Phoenix Settlement ?
Answer: Durban in South Africa

8. What is the name of weakly started by Gandhiji in SouthAfrica?
Answer: Indian opinion (1904)

9. When did Gandhiji returned to India from South Africa ?
Answer: 9th January 1915.
January 9 is observed as Pravasi Bharatiya Divas

10. Where was Gandhiji’s first satyagraha in India?
Answer: It was for the right of Indigo workers in Champaran in 1917

11. Where was gandhiji’s first fast (Gandhiji’s second satyagraha in India)?
Answer: In Ahmadabad

12. Which causes Gandhiji to abandoned his title Kaiser-I-Hind?
Answer: Jallianwalabagh Massacre (1919)

13. Who started weeklies named Young India and Navjeevan?
Answer: Mahatma Gandhi

14. Which is the only Congress session presided over by Gandhiji?
Answer: Congress session at Belgaum in 1924

15. Who started All India Harijan Samaj in 1932?
Answer: Mahatma Gandhi

16. Where is Wardha Ashram situated?
Answer: In Maharashtra

17. When did Gandhiji started the weekly Harijan?
Answer: 1933

18. Gandhiji called Subhash Chandra Bose as _________?
Answer: Patriot

19. Who called Gandhiji as “Half naked Seditious Fakir”?
Answer: Winston Churchill

20. Who gave the name ‘Gurudev’ to Tagore?
Answer: Mahatma Gandhi

21. Who called Gandhiji as ‘Mahatma’?
Answer: Tagore

22. Who is political guru of Gandhiji ?
Answer: Gopal Krishna Gokhale

23. Who is considered as spiritual guru of Gandhiji?
Answer: Leo Tolstoy

24. When did Gandhiji assassinated?
Answer: 1948 January 30 by Nadhuram Vinayak Godse

25. What was called as 'Post Dated Cheque' by Gandhiji ?
Answer: Cripps's Mission (1942)

26. When did Gandhiji published 'Hind Swaraj' ?
Answer: In the year 1908

27. who gave Baba Amta the title 'Abhay Sadak' ?
Answer: Mahatma Gandhi

28. The period which is considered as 'Gandhian Era' in Indian Independence struggle ?
Answer: 1915 - 1948

29. Where was Gandhiji’s third satyagraha in India?
Answer:  kheda satyagraha

30. What is the real name of Gandhi's Autobiography ?
Answer: Satya na prayogo

31. What is the period that referred in Gandhi's Autobiography ?
Answer: 1869 - 1921

32. When did Autobiography of Gandhiji first published ?
Answer: 1927 (in Navajeevan)

33. In which language Gandhiji wrote his Autobiography ?
Answer: Gujarati

34.  Who translated Gandhi's autobiography into English ?
Answer:  Mahadev Desai

35. Who founded Satyagrah Sabha ?
Answer: Mahatma Gandhi

36. Who was the secretary of Mahatma Gandhi after the demise of Mahadev Desai ?
Answer: Pyarelal

37. What is the real name of Mira Behn, the disciple of Gandhiji ?
Answer: Madeleine Slade

38. Who compared Gandhi's Dandi March to the legendary journey of Sri Rama to Lanka ?
Answer: Motilal Nehru

Podar International School, Hingoli 
GK Question for Class : 
Date: 21-9-2020

1. Capital of Finland is? 
Ans: Helsinki.

2. The boundary 'Durand Line' is between Pakistan and? 
Ans: Afghanisthan.

3.Headquarter of SAARC is in?
Ans: Kathmandu, Nepal.

4. Who wrote the book 'City of Joy'? Ans::  Dominique Lapierre.

5. What is the capital of Dadar and Nagar Havelli? 
Ans: Silvassa.

6. Anandmath' was written by which Bengali writer?
Ans: Bankim Chandra Chatterjee

7. What is the name of first indigenously developed Super Computer of India? Ans:  Param

8. In terms of area, which is the smallest state in India?
Ans: Goa

9. Which architect designed the city of Chandigarh?
Ans: Le Corbusier

10. The boundary line demarcating India and Pakistan is known as? 
Ans: Radcliffe Line

Podar International School, Hingoli 

GK Question 
Date :28-9-2020

1. Gayatri Mantra is addressed to which Hindu god? 
Ans: Surya 
2. Which element is necessarily present in all acids? 
Ans: Hydrogen 

3. Who authored the book `Business at the speed of thought' ? 
Ans: Bill Gates 

4.Which organ in the human body produces Bile?
Ans: Liver 

5. Diamond and Graphite are allotropes of which element?
Ans: Carbon 

6. Who is the only Indian cricketer to have taken all 10 wickets in a Test innings?
Ans: Anil Kumble 

7. What is the minimum age limit to become the President of India?
Ans: 35 years 

8. Who created fictional character Harry Potter? Ans: J.K.Rowling 

9. Deficiency of which vitamin causes Scurvy? Ans: Vitamin-C 

10. Which constituent of human blood is responsible for blood clotting?
Ans: Platelets (Thrombocytes)

Podar International School, Hingoli 

GK question for Class 1st to 3rd 

Date: 28-9-2020

1. Longesr river in India? 
Ans:  Ganga

2. Longest river of south India? 
Ans: Godavari 

3.  Highest Civilian Award  in India? 
Ans: Bharat Ratna

4. Most populous city in India? 
Ans: Mumbai 

5. Highest Gallantry Award in India? 
Ans: Param Vir Chakra

6. Highest Peacetime Gallantry Award in India? 

Ans: Aahok Chakra

Podar International School, Hingoli 

Gk Question 
Date: 5-10-2020

CLASS : ______

1.What is the name of India's first nuclear reactor?
Ans: Apsara 

2. Which Mughal emperor assumed the title of 'Alamgir' - Conqueror of the world? Ans: Aurangzeb 

3. At which place did Mahatama Gandhi start his first Satyagraha in India? 
Ans: Champaran in Bihar 

4. When an ant bites a person, which irritating chemical it injects?
  Ans: Formic acid 

5.  How many languages have been officially recognised in 8th schedule of Indian Constitution ?
Ans: 22

6. Even though India became independent in 1947 but Daman and Diu remained a European colony till 1961. Which country ruled over it? Ans: Portugal 

7. Where is the headquarters of the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) ?
Ans: Montreal (Canada) 

8. With which sport is the Duckworth-Lewis Method associated?
Ans: Cricket 

9. What is the normal heart rate of adults at rest?
Ans: 72 beats per minute 

10. The rulers of which dynasty built the Kailash Temple at Ellora in Maharahstra ?
  Ans:  Rashtrakuta

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