Tuesday 11 August 2020

GK Question on Coronavirus

  1. GK Question on Coronavirus 

  2. 1. Where did COVID-19 originate?   Ans: Wuhan

2. Which is the plausible way to prevent the spread?
Ans: Social-distancing

3. What is the major complication involved in a COVID-19 patient?
Ans: Breathing-issues

4. When do the symptoms start appearing?
Ans: 2-14 days

5. Who is more susceptible?
Ans: Aged

6. How much alcohol should the sanitizer contain?
Ans: 60%

7. What is the distance to be maintained to prevent the spread?
Ans: 6ft.

8. What can be worn to prevent the spread?
Ans: masks

9. How to clean a face mask?
Ans: washing machine

10. What test is done for current infections?
Ans: Viral-tests

11. What test is done for past infection?
Ans: Antibody-tests

12. Who carries out these tests?
Ans: Healthcare-providers

13. How do you know you have COVID-19
Ans: Common symptoms include difficulty in breathing, cough and fever. Also, if you are in the containment zone, you must get tested.

14. How to confirm that you have got COVID-19?
Ans: Proper testing by calling the healthcare professionals.

15. How do you know your bodies have sufficient antibodies?
Ans: Recovery

16. One of the ways that used to treat COVID-19 is _
Ans: plasma-therapy

17. What has it caused worldwide?
Ans: pandemic

18. The most affected country in the world
Ans: America

19. Those who have travelled to countries with the outbreak have to undergo
Ans: quarantine

20. Patients with COVID have to be in
Ans: isolation

21. How can we stop the spread from happening?
Ans: disinfection

22. What can you get from public health officials?
Ans: up-to-date-information

23. To prevent the spread, we have to limit our
Answer: exposure

24. People during the COVID-19 crises for smaller ailments go in for consultations and opt for
Ans: telemedicine

25. What does CO stand for COVID-19?
Ans: corona

26. What does VI stand for COVID-19?
Ans: virus

27. What does D stand for COVID-19?
Ans: disease

28. Which is the world body that is advising for COVID-19?
Ans: WHO (World Health Organisation)

29. How to avoid stigmatizing of COVID-19 infected persons?
Ans: Counselling

30. What is the origin of this infection?
Ans: Bats

31. Coughs and sneezes from infected persons spread through respiratory
Ans: droplets

32. What is the source of the coronavirus?
Ans: SARS-CoV-2

33. How to prevent the spread?
Ans: testing

34. How long do you have to wash hands with soap and water?
Ans: 20sec

35. What should people avoid touching?
Ans: mouth-nose-eyes

36. Because it is a new form of coronavirus its called?
Ans: novel

37. The transmission of the virus is more when the weather is
Ans: cold

38. In order to spread the disease, the coronavirus needs a
Ans: host

  1. the virus can remain on any surface for days
    Ans: dormant
  1. how to know the severity of the disease?
    Ans: lab-test
  1. People infected with coronavirus in a region is known as
    Ans: community-spread
  1. Another factor that acts as a catalyst in the spread of COVID-19
    Ans: temperature
  1. What has COVID-19 done to the economy?
    Ans: crashed
  1. What has the pandemic called for?
    Ans: shutdown
  1. What has happened to inter-country travel because of COVID-19?
    Ans: banned
  1. How is the testing done at checkpoints?
    Ans: thermal-temperature-testing
  1. Which temperatures kill the virus?
    Ans: high
  1. temperature based cutoff will work on the virus for
    Ans: inactivation
  1. do mosquitoes, and ticks spread the virus
    Ans: no

51. What are healthcare workers using to protect themselves?
Ans: PPE-kits

  1. What are the medical masks called?
    Ans: N95-respirators
  1. severe cases of COVID-19 have to be kept on
    Ans: ventilators
  1. some cases have been treated with
    Ans: blood-transfusion
  1. medication used to treat malaria to some extent has helped treat
    Ans: COVID-19
  1. A person with prior medical conditions are at
    Ans: high-risk
  1. people with chronic diseases have to exercise
    Ans: extra-care
  1. people cured of COVID-19 are required for collecting
    Ans; antibodies
  1. late detection of the disease can be
    Ans: fatal
  1. Who can get infected easily?
    Ans: low-immunity

What is the total distance around a figure?

A: Perimeter of a surface


Q: Who invented the letter zero?

A: Aryabhatta


Q: What is a figure with 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 sides called?

A: Hexagon, Heptagon, Octagon, Nonagon, Decagon respectively


Q: What is three-fifth of 50?

A: ⅗ of 50 is 30


Q: How many straight edges does a cube have?

A: 12 straight edges


Q: How many cards are there in a playing deck?

A: 52 cards


Q: How many days are there in a leap year?

A: 366 days


Q: How many degrees are there in a circle? 

A: 360 degrees


Q: Numbers that can be divided only by 1 or themselves are called?

A: Prime Numbers


Q: What is the longest side of a right-angle triangle called?

A: Hypotenuse


Q: In which number system, there is no symbol for zero?

A: Roman Numbers


Q: What is the total number of dots on a dice?

A: 21 dots (6+5+4+3+2+1)


Q: Who is widely known to be the “Father of Mathematics”?

A: Archimedes


Q: Which device in mathematics consists of beads?

A: Abacus


Q:  What is the name of these sequences?


A: Fibonacci sequence


Q: Which is the only even prime number?

A: Two


Q: Who is known to be the human calculator?

A: Shakuntala Devi


Q: What is the shape of a brick?

A: Cuboid


Q: How many seconds are there in an hour?

A: 3600 seconds


Q: Can two odd numbers add up to give an odd number?

A: No. Two odd numbers will always sum up to give an even number.


Q: What is the full form of BODMAS?

A: Bracket Of Division Multiplication Addition Subtraction


Q: What is number 1 also known as?

A: Unity


Q: What is x in algebra known as?

A: Variable


Q: How many decimal points can there be in a number?

A: Only 1


Q: Is zero a positive or a negative number?

A: None of the two mentioned above

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